2025 Exhibitors
Eclypses are transforming the landscape for data-centric security by securing data-in-transit with a market leading Encryption as a Service (EaaS) the latest post Quantum cryptographic algorithms, in an agent-less deployment model which removes the need for manual key management, data inspection or policy enforcement.
To protect against modern cyber-attacks their technology encrypts the data with a unique one time key and utilizes constantly changing and random streams of values and decrypts it on the other side - securing data in transit end to end, preventing the ability for hackers to deconstruct encryption patterns and execute a man-in-the-middle attack.
Eclypses MTE technology (FIPS 140-3 compliant) is the first, commercial certified solution to meet the requirements that are being mandated by governments to protect their critical national infrastructures, defend essential services and flagship brands from post Quantum attacks.
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