2025 Exhibitors
- | Cyber Security
- | Cyber Skills, Talent & Culture
- | SaaS (Security as a Service)
Boxphish is a low-touch cyber security awareness training platform that arms organisations—and their people—with the tools and knowledge needed reduce the risk of cyber-attacks. This is achieved by combining real-world phishing simulations, quality training content and actionable analytics into a single platform. The platform is simple to deploy, easy to manage and proven to boost organisation-wide cyber awareness, fast.
Since 2018, we’ve been helping organisations including Macmillan, Police Scotland, Eurocell, Cambridge University and North Yorkshire County Council strengthen their cyber defences by empowering their people to spot cyber-attacks. Along the way, we have set the standard for what a people-first approach to cyber-SAT looks like, and how to measure it.
8 Park RowLeeds
United Kingdom